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In this blog, we will Setting Up GitLab Runner on Windows to run the builds on the same system or on the another systems. Gitlab Runner concept is just like a agent/slave configuration that we use in Jenkins/Bamboo.
GitLab Runner is used to create a pipeline/job to trigger the builds.
Types of Runners
- Shared
- Specific
- Group Runner
Shared Runners are useful for jobs that have similar requirements,
between multiple projects. Rather than having multiple Runners idling for
many projects, you can have a single or a small number of Runners that handle multiple projects. This makes it easier to maintain and update them.
Shared Runners process jobs using a fair usage queue.
In contrast to specific Runners that use a FIFO queue, this prevents
cases where projects create hundreds of jobs which can lead to eating all
available shared Runners resources. A Runner that serves all projects is called a shared Runner.